Saturday, September 22, 2012

22 months, 17 days plus pregnancy

of Motherhood, and I am still as in awe of this creature as during my 12 week ultrasound and those brief but traumatic first 48 hours in the NICU and her first days at home.

Last night, for the first time in a long time I watched her sleeping and saw a glimpse of that newborn. As she's moved from newborn to infant to toddler, her looks have changed so much. That made the little glimpse of her new baby self such a sweet surprise.

I wonder if I would be more frustrated by her toddler antics if not for the divorce, if not for the stress everywhere else in my life. Or maybe it's just that her toddler antics aren't that antic-y yet... after all 3 is still 13 months away. Or maybe it's that she's is daycare M-F and with her Dad for 6 hours on Saturday, so my patience is never put to the test... She tests me but doesn't drive me crazy like some moms talk about. I don't know. I'm just so full of sappy love for the kid.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Approximately 45 minutes..,

Before I vomited all over myself and my car, en route to an important work meeting. Thankfully it was after I dropped C off at daycare.

It was due to a migraine, something that's become a weekly event and lasts 2-3 days each time : |

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Going to Yoga!

First time since I was pregnant... probably 2 years ago. It's about time to do something! Little miss goes to her Dad's once a week. At first, I used that time to pace, worry, check my phone for messages, and generally be a nervous wreck. Over time, I relaxed and started napping while she was away. I'd go to the grocery store and vacuum: tasks that are easier and go more quickly without a baby in tow. Today I'm taking it one step further in the direction of doing something for me. And I'm excited.